This page outlines the Real Estate Services we offer. Our company started in May of 2000 so we now have over 24 years experience working in the Puerto Rico Real Estate market. We started in Culebra, Puerto Rico where we are now the most experienced Real Estate company based in Culebra and since 2017 have expanded onto the main island of Puerto Rico. We have an extensive range of support and knowledge. Following are details regarding some of the services we can offer and extend to our Clients.

WEB PRESCENCE - To start describing our capabilities we feel the most important point to outline is the superior web prescence we have developed. Needless to say in this day and age web prescence is a very important, if not the most important, aspect of advertising a property for sale. The following outlines the systems we put in place to advertise the properties we have listed for sale.

First of all, we launched the site,  We still have and will keep all of our "classic" sites but this site is new to increase our exposure even further.

Over the years we have established a number of sites which our new site above,, has been added to our "web of websites".  All of our sites are interlinked to each other.  Some of our sites are for specific areas or towns of Puerto Rico, some are for all of Puerto Rico, some of the sites are international. Wherever the location, these sites all interlink to drive traffic between the sites.  We refer to these sites as our "Group 1" sites, most have been in place for years (some for well over 20 years), all are very well established, and we believe these sites capture most of the people looking for properties in Puerto Rico. These sites are: (links to sites and property pages in the sites are put in facebook posts)

In addition to the sites above (all but 4 being wholly owned by our company) we also advertise on many other sites in the world. These are our "Group 2" sites that we put in place to capture the remaining people looking for property in Puerto Rico. These Group 2 sites are:
The Puerto Rico MLS
The International MLS

On top of all this we also have agreements with other Realtors and industry professionals in Puerto Rico and internationally to adverstise our properties on their websites, instagram pages, facebook pages, publications, and any other way they advertise.

With all of this our company, Puerto Rico Real Estate/Lisa and Mike Realty,,, is set up to obtain very high web presence for properties immediately after listing with us.

WEBSITE/ADVERTISING SUPPORT - In addition to the superior web prescence outlined above that we have established we have the unique ability to perform our own website development, coding, hosting, and Search Engine Optimization. For our Clients we can obtain immediate, extensive exposure through our current sites and systems as mentioned above. In addition we have the ability to create and host property specific websites for our Clients at no extra cost to our Clients. Our total combination of advertising via internal and external systems obtains immediate exposure, hundreds of views, the first day listing a property with our company.

EXTERNAL ADVERTISING - As mentoined above we advertise on external sites that have a history of high search engine rankings and the ability to generate leads for our Clients. We are always analyzing which sites work best for this purpose so the list of external sites we advertise with will update over time. We obtain approval from our Clients for all sites we advertise with and we add advertising requested by our Clients.

ALLIANCES WITH OTHER REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS - We are firm believers and passionate implementors of an INCLUSIVE listing philosophy. We extend and encourage other professionals to join us in marketing and advertising our listings. When listing with Puerto Rico Real Estate we strive to market your property in every venue possible that will give us positive results and aid in selling your property. In our over 24 years of experience we have developed an extensive network of professionals we work with to advertise our listings in Puerto Rico and internationally. We will obtain immediate exposure for your listing in our systems in addition to the systems of other Real Estate professionals at no extra cost to our Clients.

SELLING YOUR PROPERTY - If you have a property you would like to sell we can help you with a full market analysis of your property as it relates to the current market. You can then use this analysis as input to your decision regarding listing your property and if you decide to list your property with our company you will obtain all the benefits outlined on this page and more.

PURCHASING A PROPERTY - If you are interested in purchasing a property we also offer full Buyer Broker services where we can help you with every step of the purchase process. We will educate you to the market outlining comparable sales and current properties for sale. If you are interested in a specific property we will complete a full market analysis for the specific property you are interested in purchasing. You can then use this market analysis to help decide if you would like to make an offer and what amount you would like to offer.

EXPEDITING A SALE - Whether selling or buying a property once there is a sale pending on a property we have all the experience and resources for completing the purchase of the property and expediting the closing. With hundreds of sales completed over the past 24 plus years we have all the knowledge and resources to support you through the entire closing process. We can manage all aspects of the Real Estate transaction including, but not limited to, title searches, legal support, financing, appraisals, surveys, insurance, CRIM (Property taxes), Hacienda (Puerto Rico tax authority), help with Utility companies, help with Home Owners Associations, and all other aspects related to the property purchase and sale process.

POST PURCHASE SUPPORT - Once you purchase a property we also help refer you to Property Management Services that can handle all aspects of maintaining, cleaning, remodeling, construction, and renting your property or any subset of these services. We can help you with the long term needs of your property to any level of support you would like.

As you can see whether selling or buying a property in Puerto Rico we have all the knowledge and resources to support you through the entire process. We have extensive and specific experience and resources for marketing properties, website development, website support, Seach Engine Optimization, website hosting, title searches, legal support, financing, insurance, CRIM (Property taxes), Hacienda, help with Utility companies, and all other aspects related to the purchase and sale of a property.

If you would like to discuss our support with either selling your property or finding you a property to purchase feel free to contact us at, or text/call us at 787-398-3174. We will be more than happy to help any way we can.

Thank you for your consideration of our services.